August 01, 2016

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Dental Care For Your Dog

Dental Care For Your Dog

Peppy Pooch All Natural Dog Chews Dog Pulling Rope
Does your dog have bad breath? Are their teeth clean? Statistics suggest that over 80% of dogs have some degree of dental disease by the time they are 3 years old. Your dog can’t tell you when he has a toothache, so it’s essential that you take steps to keep his teeth clean. While your veterinarian does play a role in keeping your dog’s pearly whites in good health, there is much you can do at home to.......
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Deciding what treats to give your dog?

We love to spoil our pets, and one of the easiest ways to do that is by offering them something special to eat or chew. Have you ever asked yourself why you buy the treats that you do, or why your dog likes some treats and not others? Chances are you know your pet's tastes better than anyone, and have a good idea what they might like, and what will be best to offer. Your dog may already show a preference for certain flavors or textures, or he may have some habits or behaviors that need to be take into account. Dog treats aren’t just a way to show your love, they can also be great tools for training and reinforcing good behavior.

So what are some things to consider when seeking the perfect treat for your pet?
The two main considerations ...

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December 10, 2015

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Thanks to Cliff for his support!!

We would like to say a big 'thank you' to Cliff who just loves Peppy Pooch Bully Bites! What a handsome boy!
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